FoiA response from council


In response to your questions below;
1. Membership of the Working Party is as follows – Cllrs Aldington
(chair), Glass, V Fowler, Taylor, Watkins, Tandy, Longden (sub),
O’Brien, Wilson, Smith (sub).
2. Please find attached the terms of reference for the group.
3. I am unable to supply you with the information you request.  Your
request is refused under Regulation 12 (4) of the EIR which states that
a public authority may refuse to disclose environmental information
requested if;
(d) the request relates to material which is still in the course of
completion, to unfinished documents or to incomplete data
(e) the request involves the disclosure of internal communications.

If you are not happy with this response, you can complain to the Council
under the Complaints Procedure.  You can also contact the Information
Commissioner.  I have provided details below.

Information Commissioner


—–Original Message—–
From: Keith Kondakor
Sent: 04 October 2012 11:24
Subject: FoiA/EIR request

Hi Kelly,

can you provide information you hold on :-
1) the membership of the reformed Borough Plan Working group,
2) the remit, rules and scope of the working group
3) timetable/project management for the working group and production of
preferred option to go to consultation.

Please treat this as a request under the Freedom of Information act and
Environmental information regulations.
As you have excluded me from the process this request is made as a pleb
outside the council.

Keith Kondakor
Green Councillor for Weddington currently banned from knowing about
borough plan

Borough Plan Working Party

Terms of Reference

Main Purpose –        To provide members input into and steer of the development of the Council’s Borough Plan.


  • To have an understanding of the context for and content of the Borough Plan.
  • To consider and monitor the project plan for the development of the Borough Plan up to the submission of the plan.
  • To consider and monitor the resources available to implement the project plan.
  • To help develop the spatial vision, strategic objectives, issues and options which would form the basis of reports for single member decisions, OSPs and Cabinet.
  • To consider consultation arrangements at the appropriate stages of the programme.
  • To consider consultation responses and consider a preferred option.
  • Where appropriate seek the views of their party groups on particular issues and options.

Meetings –     

  • Held monthly or as required.
  • Chaired by portfolio holder for Planning and Development or nominated substitute from normal membership.
  • No delegated decision making powers so no need for quorum.
  • Substitutes can be made for any absences.
  • Minutes will be prepared on key points discussed and suggested actions.

Officers Support

  • Head Planning Policy and Economic Development.
  • Legal Services representative.
  • Development Control representative.
  • Other invited officers for specific topics.

October 2011